Goodbye Pain

Pain is a series of electrical impulses coursing through our central nervous system. With PatchFlow® you can finally turn off your pain.


The Right Side of Recovery

The human body can be pushed to incredible limits. PatchFlow helps you recover faster, push harder, and reach the top of your game.


Light Your Libido

Sexual dysfunction is a sensitive issue. With PatchFlow Libido, you can reach new heights of pleasure and performance. 100% drug free.


Migraine Relief

Migraines are not simple headaches. PatchFlow® offers natural and fast acting relief of the root cause of migraine pain and migraine headaches.


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The Patch

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Take Control Of Your Symptoms

Back Pain

Not all pain is created equal, and back pain can be one of the most challenging types of pain to live with. Every year, back pain accounts for hundreds of millions of lost productive hours globally as one of the leading causes of medical absence for employees.

While most back pain isn’t serious, usually the result of a momentary sprain or arising gradually from poor posture, symptoms may include a dull pain with constant aches, along with sudden, sharp pains, stiffness and tension.

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Chronic Pain

Affecting an estimated 50 million adults in the US alone, chronic pain can take on many forms, as persistent headaches, nerve damage and arthritic pain, and can persist long after the injury or illness that caused it has healed.

The result of irregularities within the nervous system, recent medical advances have demonstrated that targeted interventions of microcurrent have been shown to address the symptoms of chronic pain, in some cases, switching it off like a light.

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A migraine is usually a moderate or severe headache felt as a throbbing pain on one side of the head. Many people suffering from migraines also experience symptoms such as feeling sick, along with increased sensitivity to light or sound. Nausea is a common symptom, worsening with activity and often resulting in an inability to function.

Affecting around one in 7 people around the world, migraine is more prevalent than diabetes, epilepsy and asthma combined, with chronic migraines affecting 2% of the global population and affecting around 1 in every 5 women and around 1 in every 15 men.

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Horton's Disease

Horton’s disease, also called cluster headache, is a relatively rare and particularly painful type of headache, which typically first appears between the ages of 20-40 years. The attacks usually begin in the middle of the night, and consist of severe, shooting pain behind and around one eye, commonly awakens you in the middle of the night with intense pain in or around one eye on one side of your head, with attacks lasting days or weeks.

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Diabetes Wounds

Unlike conventional wounds, diabetic wounds can take longer to heal, increasing the risk of infections and the development of further complications. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), around 30.3 million people in the United States have a type of diabetes, and many of these people experience complications caused by infected wounds.

With uncontrolled diabetes, poor circulation leads to blood moving around the body more slowly, making it more difficult to deliver much-needed cells to repair wounds. Wounds will end up healing gradually, or in extreme cases, not at all, leading to chronic wounds and an increasing likelihood of infection.

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Whether pushing the body to its limits in high-intensity workouts, or in repetitive everyday activities, increasing recovery times can be frustrating, affecting our performance and keeping us away from doing the things we are passionate about. 

Those at the top of their game know that a fast, effective path to recovery off the field is critical to performance when you’re back on it. Targeted microcurrent technology has been shown to increase local blood flow, accelerating the repair and recovery process.

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Sports Injury

Sports injuries can be frustrating, and your bodies can let us down, or worse still, question whether you can go for that match-winning tackle.

Following a strenuous activity, extreme solutions such as ice baths induce the body into a stress response, kickstarting the body’s fight or flight response and pumping cortisol throughout the body. In small doses, cortisol has remarkable healing properties, but subjecting the body to high concentrations of cortisol over extended periods of time can be damaging in the longer term, with symptoms including weight gain, slowed healing and increased blood pressure.

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Sexual Dysfunction

Sexual dysfunction can be a sensitive topic to discuss, yet research has shown that 43 percent of women and 31 percent of men have a challenge to experience sexual satisfaction during foreplay, plateau, orgasm, or resolution.

But the stresses and realities of daily life tend to grind away, and since it takes two to tango, lovemaking is best when both partners are in the right state. Aside from keeping healthy and in shape, locally, blood flow is a key component in libido.

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